Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19 Daily Commentary

I1 peaked today.  Earnings after the close popped stocks up so I bought another 2% SDS at 21.15 bringing me to 10% SDS, 2% SOPIX, 2% UCPIX.  I'm good until DJI critical M/A is broken to the upside at 12,413. 
Silver is putting in a fresh wave upward after breaking out from it's triangle this morning.  It traded as high as 44.17.  But while silver was running gold was standing still and has not broken out of it's triangle.  This provides an opportunity for continued sideways action to bring up a reliable hourly M/A.
The 56-hour -5.3 points will provide my signal for shorting gold and silver.  Currently any trade at 1486 or lower.

The cycle composite for the DJI is complete.  Remember, this is a cheat.  It is optimized for all data looking backward from now through 56 years. 
While the DJI optimization was running I made slight changes to the algorithms.  SPX is now running and using the improved logic.  My time estimate was off on the machine time.  SPX will not be done until tomorrow evening.  I will eventually go back and re-generate the DJI.
Tomorrow I will be away on community business all day.  I'll be back in time to do a Daily by 8pmEDT.

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