Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/22 pre-open

Exited the short futures at a trivial loss.  I published my wave counts yesterday afternoon, including that the selloff was the completion of wave B.  I still believe this to be the case and that wave C will end slightly above yesterday's high at under 10,300.  Since I1 accelerates downward tomorrow I expect this peak to occur today.  I would be long the futures except the trend change happened while I slept.    I kept moving down the stops on my short so no harm. 
Here is futures:
Here is the cash:

We have 1 day to make wave C happen because I1 starts accelerating tomorrow.  As far as I am concerned the market was on track to complete the ABC yesterday afternoon but got sidetracked by Bernanke.  A rally slightly above yesterday's high but not above 10,300 today will satisfy my wave count and the I1.  EWI's count is different than mine and they count the Minute2 rally complete yesterday morning. 
I count the 3rd wave up complete and will try to get aboard for the 5th wave.  I'll post when it happens.

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