Monday, April 25, 2011

4/25 12:20

I am on high alert today.  I earlier posted a 30-day I1 M/A chart and commented that it peaked tomorrow or Wednesday.  Taking into account that tonight's chart will "jump" over Friday's holiday, the peak will be today or tomorrow.  This, in conjunction with the presumed raw I1 lead of 4 sessions, points to today or tomorrow as stock market peak.  I'll be buying QID near the close today or when SP futures break the 30-minute M/A. 
I bought ZSL at 14.15 to short silver on the retracement rally correcting a 5 down.  I have a futures order shorting at May 47.91.


  1. Steve, do you plan to wait for the results of the FED meeting on Wednesday before getting totally short? Any fear they announce some new "stimulus" / liquidity programs?

  2. Good point. Let's post it and talk about it.
