Friday, June 25, 2010

6/25 1:40

Another 3% SDS when DJI hits 10,260


  1. Steve

    I’m always misjudging the time it takes for a wave to complete. So the 3rd wave of the 3 wave corrective wave needs to finish before we start the next 5 wave down? Am I seeing this correct now?

    Jack C

  2. Steve

    I think my problem is that I’m watching a wave form and forgetting were I am in the wave count. I get use to the size of the corrective waves in larger impulse waves and when a corrective wave starts after a impulse 5 wave down I’m thinking the corrective wave is going to be the same size as the ones in the previous impulse wave and its not its larger and retraces a larger distance. Am I thinking correctly now?

    Jack C

  3. Jack,
    I'll post charts that will count from the 2007 peak forward. We need to have the larger count firmly in place before counting smaller.
