Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29 11:25

Shorting on next new high, about 9,960.  Daily technical composite is +14.  Anything above +22 is a sell signal, but I expect it to get to +28 since we just had a buy signal a couple of weeks ago.


  1. Steve

    Looks like SP support is being taken out 1040?

    Jack C

  2. I'm holding short to 9801 or the final 5 wave.

  3. Steve

    Should I sell my short position then or continue short until 7/5?

    Jack C

  4. 1040 was my initial target, not support. Actual support ranges from 9835 to 9777 which is where I think this wave will end up.

  5. Steve

    Sold all shares before your post back(clock was ticking). Will have to wait for a bounce now. Had a great day up 11%
    Will be looking for your guidance to get back in. Thanks Jack C
